What is your expertise/qualifications/degree?
I have a Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma in Languages.
I work closely with Certifiers and manage the Certified Handler applications. I am the point of contact for applicants and help ensure that we have all the necessary information prior to the Certifier reviewing the applications.
How long have you worked for DGC?
I joined the company in October 2019.
Why have you decided to do this job ?
I wanted to change industries and an opportunity came up to work at DGC. I don’t have a health and safety background, but I’ve found the industry very interesting as it deals with a variety of people. So far I’ve learnt a lot with regards to hazardous substances and wish to further my knowledge of the industry.
What is essential in your job ?
Understanding the HSWA (HS) Regulations 2017 and the WorkSafe Performance Standard with regards to Certified Handler. Strong communication skills are also essential as I am the liaison between the applicant(s) and Certifier.
Who needs the Certified Handler certification ?
If a person handles a 6.1A or 6.1B substance they may require a Certified Handler certificate. The Certified Handler is a certification that demonstrates a person has adequate knowledge and skills to handle toxic substances. It is important, as it is a legal requirement for a site (that has a 6.1A or 6.1B substance) to have a Certified Handler present and available at all times.
For people who want to apply for a Certified Handler certificate, what would your advice be?
Ensure that you have read through the list of evidence and have provided all of the required documents. Applying for a Certified Handler certificate can be a long process, but the sooner we have all the required evidence, the sooner our Certifier will be able to review your application and issue a certificate. If you have any questions with regards to the evidence or the application, please give us a call.
What do you do when you are not at work?
In my spare time I enjoy playing Ultimate Frisbee!