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Compliance Certifiers are the only people approved by WorkSafe to inspect sites and issue compliance certificates required under the Regulations that confirm:


  • equipment meets the standards in the Regulations,

  • locations where hazardous substances are stored or used when the quantities held trigger certification meet the requirements relating to safe design and position of dangerous goods on site,

  • workers handling hazardous substances have appropriate qualifications.


The Regulations are promulgated pursuant to the Health and Safety At Work (Hazardous Substances)  Regulations 2017  (HSWA).

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Stationary tanks or process containers that hold hazardous liquids or gases over specified quantities require a Stationary Container System Compliance certificate that confirms compliance with specific requirements, which can include:

  • The design and installation of the tank or process container,

  • Requirements for emergency management, including any secondary containment,

  • Signage.


Location Compliance certificates are required for flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances above certain quantities. To obtain a Location Compliance certificate a business must demonstrate that the site complies with HSWA requirements specified in the regulations.


Trigger quantities for a Location Compliance certificate for Class 2, 3, and 4 substances are: Schedule 9 Table 4


Contact us for more information


Class 6.1A/B/C and Class 8.2A/B substances now require formal certification by a Compliance Certifier.


These audits are comprehensive and may require from half a day to a full day. Our Compliance Certifiers will examine your processes and personal protective equipment, storage locations, staff training and emergency preparedness to ensure you are compliant with the new Regulations.


A full complement of certificates is offered for tractor units, trucks and trailers transporting Class 2, Class 3, Class 5 and Class 6 & 8’s

Provide us with your fleet list and expiry dates and we will advise you when the next audit is due

Our certifiers, based nationwide, are happy to audit units at your depot, mechanics yard or even meet a driver at a scheduled stop.



Contact DGC to schedule the following

  • Tank Wagon Design

  • Tank Wagon Pre-Commissioning

  • Tank Wagon In-Service (HSNO) audit


Unsure whether trailers carrying cryogenics (LOX), hydrogen or IBC’s/ISO’s transporting Class 5 (chlorine) or Class 2.1.1A and Class 8 (Ammonia) require certification – contact DGC as we are happy to advise.  



Acutely toxic substances, 6.1 A/B, require Certified Handler certification.


A Certified Handler certificate is a new requirement under the Regulations, different from the past Approved Handler certificate. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Amongst other requirements a Certified Handler must know and be able to explain:

4.3 Competency requirements for Certified Handlers


(1) Before qualifying as a Certified Handler at a workplace, a person must know and be able to describe the following matters:


(a) the hazard classifications, properties, and adverse effects of those hazardous substances for which he or she is to be a certified handler:


(b) the requirements that are imposed by these regulations in relation to those hazardous substances:


(c) the requirements that are imposed under the HSNO Act in relation to those hazardous substances:


(d) any proposed conditions of the person’s compliance certificate as a certified handler:


(e) the precautions required to prevent injury or illness to any person at the workplace caused by any of those substances:


(f) the procedures to adopt in an emergency involving those substances:


(g) any variations of requirements, alternative means of compliance with requirements, or additional requirements specified in a relevant safe work instrument.


To receive an application form please contact us at

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Our Certifiers have had extensive experience with the Regulations and the practical issues arising from compliance. Where we do not breach the “conflict rules” in the Regulations, we can provide consultancy services in relation to many aspects of site design and process, such as:

  • The establishment of a new site,

  • Modifications to an existing site,

  • Exemption applications to WorkSafe,

  • Best practices,

  • Storing and using hazardous substances.



DGC Training is affiliated with Dangerous Goods Compliance Limited. We offer online, onsite and tailored training courses that follow the requirements set out in regulation 4.5(3)(a) from the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.

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