We would like to remind you that the transition period for updates to labelling, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and packaging under the updated Globally Harmonised System (GHS7) in New Zealand will end on 30 April 2025.
From this date, all importers, manufacturers, and suppliers must comply with the updated Labelling, SDS, and Packaging Notices set by the EPA.
Please note: This will not affect your compliance certificates, as these will still be under the HSNO classifications unless there are future legislative changes. The only required updates will be to your SDS and packaging.
We encourage you to review your current documentation and packaging to ensure compliance before the deadline. If you have any questions or require support, please feel free to reach out to us.
Making workplaces safer together
To book an inspection or consult, or to commence the process for Certified Handler certification, please complete the form below. We aim to respond within 12 working hours. Alternatively, please call us on 09 257-5790.
For urgent matters please call 028 420 9405.