How long have you been working for DGC?
Since the end of January 2020.
Why did you decide to do this job?
I used to work in health and safety consultancy and part of this involved helping clients with hazardous substances. The topic really interested me and I jumped at the chance to learn more within the biggest certification company in the country.
What is your expertise?
I have a diploma in Workplace Health and Safety Management but before that my career was in radio, marketing, and events with a bachelor's degree from broadcasting school. I think both of these career paths helped me hone my communication skills.
What is essential in your job?
Asking lots of questions- to senior certifiers, clients, Worksafe etc. The more you ask, the more you know. Oh and a good snack supply in the work vehicle.
Do you have an example of preventing and avoiding incidents?
I used to work for a company which had a safety saying: “see it, own it, sort it”. I think if an attitude like that is adopted by the whole team, it will help to reduce incidents.
What are some things you have found on an unsafe site?
In a lot of cases, I’ve found that the paperwork doesn’t match the practice. A sign on an LPG cage might clearly read no smoking but an ashtray is balanced on the edge of the cage and a smoko area is set up. I also see a lot of drink bottles used for hazardous substances, even a tomato sauce bottle once!
What do you do in your spare time?
I’m currently renovating an old villa with my partner so spare time doesn’t exist. We’re either painting, sanding, taping, planting, or....visiting a hardware store.